As a part of the Educational Programs and Certification Programs, EBF Presidium decided to give accreditation to Bowling Training Centres, who are helping to develop our sport and provide high standards of Bowling Education.

The evaluation process is based on the following fields:

The facility includes the evaluation of the dedicated lanes for the training center, the condition of the lanes, lane machines, digital analysis hardware and software, classrooms and presentation opportunities. Extra possibilities within or around the center such as fitness centers, leisure time facilities, food and accommodation options are seen as additional values for such a facility.

The centers with EBF Lane Certification and Lane Maps can provide better service for their students. EBF Training centers need to have at least one (1)  EBF certified/recognized coach. The coach(es) should have minimum Level II EBF certification and coaching experience.      

The facility should follow a defined educational program that has been approved by EBF to provide consistency and a high level of information.  

The application fee is €300, and the certificate is valid for three years.

The EBF Presidium believes that supporting those facilities is of utmost importance to develop our sport to higher levels. 

Kuortane Bowling Training Center
Kuortane High Performance Olympic Training Center, Kuortane, Finland
Instructors: Piritta Kantola - Juha Maja
Provided Classes:
EBF Level I – Level II *- Level III *Coaching Classes (English)
EBF Level I – Level II - Level III Bowling Classes (English - Finnish)
All Levels of Bowling Training, (English - Finnish)
High Performance Athlete Training (English - Finnish)

Trianka Bowling Academy
Rollhouse, Ankara, Turkey
Instructors: Onder Gurkan - Gediz Ege - Duygu Gurkan
Provided Classes:
EBF Level I – Level II * Coaching Classes (Special Clinics, English)
EBF Level I – Level II - Level III Bowling Classes (English - Turkish)
EBF Ball Drilling and Proshop Management Clinic

Pro Bowling Center
Hustopeče, Czech Republic
Instructor: Costas Mitsingas, , Ivan Burian, and Eva Burionava
Provided Classes:
EBF Level I – Level II * Coaching Classes (Special Clinics, English)
EBF Level I – Level II  Bowling Classes (English)
EBF Ball Drilling and Proshop Management Clinic

Vesturgata 130, 300 Akranes - Iceland
Instructors: Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Jónína Magnúsdóttir, Magnus Sigurjón Guðmundsson, Sigurður Þorsteinn Guðmundsson
Provided Classes:
EBF Level I – Level II Bowling Classes (English - Icelandic)

Bowling Academy
Žilina, Slovakia
Instructors: Josef Macháček - Martin Stepanek
Provided Classes:
EBF Level I  Coaching Classes* (Special Clinics, English)
EBF Level I – Level II  Bowling Classes (English)
EBF Ball Drilling and Proshop Management Clinic

Langen, Germany (near Frankfurt/Main)
Instructors: Sven Sager
Provided Classes:
EBF Level I-II  Coaching Classes* (Special Clinics, English - German)
EBF Level I – Level II - Level III  Bowling Classes (English - German)

Eden Superbowl, Malta
Instructors: Rick Vogelesang
Provided Classes:
EBF Level I  Coaching Classes* (Special Clinics, English)
EBF Level I – Level II - Level III  Bowling Classes (English)

2100 Antwerpen, Ter Heydelaan 17 (B)
Instructors: Marc Beaufays - Melissa Vallons - Annick Cornelissen
Provided Classes:
EBF Level I  Coaching Classes* (Dutch)
EBF Level I – Level II - Level III  Bowling Classes (Dutch)

Bowlplay Berlin Tegel
Bowlplay Berlin GmbH
Am Borsigturm 2 / 13507 Berlin
Instructors: Michael Michajlow, Sven Sager
Provided Classes:
EBF Level I-II  Coaching Classes (German & English)
EBF Level I – Level II - Level III  Bowling Classes (German & English)

  • These programs are given by EBF Instructors or Level III Coaches who completed Instructors courses.